Interagency Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program

Smoke Monitoring

Smoke Monitor Kits: About / National Cache /Ordering Instructions
Web-Based Smoke Tools: Monitoring v5  |  Historical Monitor Data  |  Fire and Smoke Map

Smoke Monitors

A Forest Service national cache of 35 smoke particulate monitoring kits (26 E-Samplers and 9 EBAMs) is available for deployment to wildland fires upon request of firefighting agencies with US Forest Service. The kits provide real-time measurements of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and are available for monitoring both wildfire emissions and prescribed burns.  Learn more about how to order a smoke monitor from the cache.

The Monitoring website provides near real-time information from monitors around the country.

Air Resource Advisors set up smoke monitors with real-time telemetry to monitor conditions in impacted areas where monitoring information is not available.

Air Resource Advisor deploying a monitor
Air Resource Advisor deploying a monitor

Partnership with EPA

The program also partners with EPA's Wildfire Smoke Air Monitoring Response Technology (WSMART) program, deploying supplemental monitoring technologies which can measure additional pollutants including carbon monoxide (CO) and total volatile organic compounds (tVOCs).  

Web-Based Tools

Monitoring Site

Visit Monitoring website for latest NowCast values based on PM2.5 monitors (temporary and permanent monitors): 

image of Monitoring website showing map dotted with smoke monitors
See the full Monitoring website for full legend, timeseries and more: 

Fire and Smoke Map

The Fire and Smoke Map shows fine particulate (PM2.5) pollution data obtained from air quality monitors and sensors.

image of Fire and Smoke Map website dotted with smoke monitors

Historical Monitor Data

Visit Historical Monitoring website for past data readings on smoke monitors: 

image of Historical Monitoring Data website showing monitors dotting the map